Key Features
The term ‘Premature’ or ‘Preterm’ is used for children born at < 37 weeks of pregnancy
Children born premature are at higher risk of having problems with their development, learning, behaviour and social aspects
The more premature the baby is, the higher the risk
Prematurity contributes to approximately 50% of all disabilities in childhood
Ex-premature babies are at higher risk of having ADD/ADHD, ASD, Cerebral Palsy, Dyspraxia, Speech and Language Delay, Learning Disability, Special Educational Needs
Seek help if your child is not meeting their developmental milestones
All preterm children need developmental follow ups at regular intervals
Problems from prematurity can affect learning, activity, employment and life outcomes
Management Options:
Provide you with a clear diagnostic report detailing developmental profile of your child
Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
Give you specific behavioural, educational and environmental strategies, as required
Advice regarding review by other professionals e.g. OT where required
Advice regarding further tests where required
You could use medical report e.g. to gain extra support at school, claim allowances/benefits
You will feel empowered to enable your child from this holistic assessment and action plan
Present you with an option for follow-up/surveillance