Autism / ASD
Key Features
Difficulties with social interaction
Communication difficulties
Struggles with understanding others’ emotions
Limited and intense interests
Preference for routines and struggle with change
Tend to be happy in their own company
Strong likes and dislikes with certain sensations
Has massive impact on relationships, family functioning etc.
And many other features
Management Options:
Provide you with a clear diagnostic report confirming or ruling out ASD
Give you a detailed plan addressing all the needs of your child
Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
Supply you with information about specific books, websites and leaflets
Give you ASD-specific strategies
Offer of medications to help improve some symptoms e.g. difficulties with sleep
You could use this report e.g. to gain extra support at school, claim certain allowances
You will feel empowered from a holistic assessment and comprehensive plan of action to enable your child
Present you with an option for follow-up